The enormous importance of vitamin C

The power of Vitamin C

I want to explain which vitamins and minerals – which nutrients – keep the body healthy and strengthen the immune system. I try to do that by describing the properties of those products, and – no less important – by explaining how the body uses these essential nutrients.

I hope to make it plausible below why it is such an important vitamin, in part by describing what vitamin C actually is and all that it does for our bodies.

Vitamin C is sometimes referred to as ascorbic acid, but that is too limited a description because vitamin C is more than this acid alone. While ascorbic acid is a major component as well as the coating of vitamin C, vitamin C also consists of four more components:


There are more than four thousand different types of flavonoids (plant substances). They are mainly found in fruits and vegetables but broccoli or peppers contain different flavonoids than citrus fruits or berries. These flavonoids have a variety of beneficial effects on health. They protect against infections, against cardiovascular disease, against cancer and other aging diseases. A lot of research is still going on about this and we will surely find many more positive effects of these special plant substances in the coming years. They possess antioxidant activity, which protects cells and tissues from oxidative stress (cell damage). Oxidative stress creates free radicals that can damage the cell; antioxidants protect us from them. In addition, flavonoids enhance the action of vitamin C, strengthening capillaries, have an anti-inflammatory effect, counteract arteriosclerosis, reduce platelet clumping, drain heavy metals and inhibit the release of histamine (a substance released during inflammation that causes a severe allergic reaction). They also affect gene expression, which, in short, involves converting DNA to proteins. Furthermore, flavonoids support liver function and help the body fight off unwanted bacteria and viruses.

As mentioned above, flavonoids are mainly found in fruits and vegetables, and thus those who eat too few fruits or vegetables are not getting enough bio-flavonoids. Eating a variety of foods will also help you get many different flavonoids. It is further important to know that a diet poor in fruits and vegetables cannot be supplemented with synthetic vitamin C in this regard, because it only contains ascorbic acid, it does not contain bioflavonoids. I will come back to this later.

Vitamin J, the breath factor

There is also vitamin J in natural C, also called vitamin C2. It is the lung or antipneumonia vitamin that is helpful in oxygen uptake by the lungs. Getting out of breath too quickly by climbing stairs, for example, is prevented by vitamin J. People with asthma also benefit from adequate vitamin J.

Copper, in the form of Tyrosinase

Even more important is the copper found in vitamin C. This is found in vitamin C in enzymatic form called tyrosinase, which is essential for adrenal hormone production. The adrenal glands make hormones for the whole body under the influence of this little substance. Among other things, the production of melatonin, which makes the skin tan, takes place under the influence of tyrosinase. Other processes in which hormones are produced for the proper functioning of the body take place here.

It is clear why vitamin C is so important for maintaining a healthy body and strengthening the immune system, given its complex and versatile composition. The composition of bio-flavonoids, vitamin J and copper in the form of tyrosinase are some of the many components that work together to support various aspects of our health.

I invite you to become aware of the wide variety of foods that contain these essential nutrients as we examine them more closely and understand how they improve our well-being. We can provide our bodies with the nutrients they need to thrive by embracing a varied diet and making the right food choices. Let’s work together.

Hans Beekmans

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